Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to do QA and test in Azure (2)

·         Test in Cloud Best Practice

o    Keep at least two environments in clouds

·         "Last Known Good" environment

§  To be used for testing, stakeholder demos, or perf/load/stress testing

·         "Latest Build" environment

§  May have any build on it, and may or may not work depending on what ever else is going on. 

§  This environment can also be used for any kind of destructive testing, since any test that shouldn't be interrupted should be run in the "LKG" environment.

·         Alternating the environments (Env1 and Env2)

§  In practice, you can get this effect by simply alternating environments that you deploy your build to. 

§  So Env1 gets Build 1, Env2 gets Build 2, then Env1 gets Build 3.  Then, if build 4 fails BVT's in Env2, You'll still have Build 3 in Env 1.  Build 5 should then still go to Env2, and this should continue until a stable build exists in Env2. 

§  Ideally, this means the most recent two builds will always be deployed, unless one build fails.

o    The cloud test environment should be as "real" as possible. 

·         Best case, you use production versions of all dependencies, real certificates, real domain names, and production-identical configuration settings. 

·         This isn't always practical (for example cache durations are frequently lower in test than prod to allow content to expire more rapidly), but the closer you can get to this, the less surprised you'll be when you go to production.

o    Do at least one cloud update each day, or even more often

·         This helps stabilize deployment tools, encourage cloud-based testing (code won't be too stable to test), and get people familiar with what can go wrong in the cloud, and how to fix it.

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