Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gateway Service

Gateway is a design pattern, which enables authentication, routing, monitoring, A/B and other infrastructural capabilities that you can add to your web site in a service injection manner. 

By service injection, you don’t need to change your code much, as there is no direct dependency between the Gateway and your web site. You just use the Gateway as a service.

Gateay Live testing sites:
(username/password):  user1@danyang.onmicrosoft.com/test@123 , user2/test@123
User1 will be routed to East, User2 to West

Gateway Source Code:  http://sdrv.ms/12RSZjM 

Project Cloud Service Fundamentals

Cloud Service Fundamentals (CSF) is an open source project created by Microsoft Azure CAT team. The purpose is to provide best practices on dealing with common Azure project challenges: SQL Azure Retry, SQL Sharding, Logging, Telemetry, Configuration, Caching, Server Affinity, etc.

The project can be found at http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazure/Cloud-Fundamentals-in-1a3ab1bd
Here is a decoupled and componentized version of CSF. The CSF project is decoupled into 4 components: Common Library, CSF Social Web App, Telemetry and Gateway.

Live testing sites:
•CSF Web App: http://dancsf.azurewebsites.net/
•Telemetry Report: https://5zjgywiud3.reporting.windows.net/ReportServer    dan/test@123
•Gateway: https://dangateway.cloudapp.net  user1@danyang.onmicrosoft.com/test@123
•Code:  http://sdrv.ms/12RSXID  (CSF)  , http://sdrv.ms/12RSZjM   (Gateway)